In this chapter, the fundamental concepts of the contrast of hypotheses will be explored with the aim of identifying the most important elements of this process and recognizing the main variants of interests.
In a hypothesis test, the compatibilityofthedatawithrespecttoa hypothesis thatwecallnullhypothesis(H0)isevaluated.Inthisapplication,weshowdifferentsituationstounderstandtheconceptofexpectedresultunderH0.
Thisapppresents the case of ahypothesisabout the valueofthepopulationmean.Youcanobserve the expected results underH0, the concept of powerand the importanceofthesamplesizein the evaluationoftheresults.
Inthisappyou can explorehow the differentaspects of the testarecalculatedabout the value of the difference of twopopulationmeansinthecaseofavariablewithnormaldistribution.