The normal distribution plays an important role in statistics. Here, we introduce the basic properties and discuss how to use it. We also comment on the concept of z-score and the use of the standard normal. It is important to understand this material before using this distribution in hypothesis testing and confidence intervals.
How can we define diagnosis criteria based on the distribution of a biomarker? We discuss this problem in the case of normal distributed values of a biomarker.
Reference ranges are important in evaluating the results of clinical laboratories. We discuss the concept and the different methods for obtaining meaningful reference ranges.
Thenormaldistributionplaysaveryimportantroleinstatistics.Inthisapplication,itsmainpropertiesarestudied and samplescanbeobtainedtorelatethetheoreticaldistributionandwhatisobservedinasample.
Referenceintervalsareimportantforevaluatingclinicallaboratoryresults.Inthisapplication, the different methodsarepresentedandtheirvalidityindifferentsituationsisstudieddependingon the characteristicsofthebiomarkerused.